Feisty Friday - Volume 1

Posted by Mike

So.....here it goes. I'm finally posting my first Feisty Friday rant. For a background on Feisty Friday, check out this post.

Today's topic: The wonderful world of fast food.

This afternoon I had another episode of an all too familiar occurrence at fast food restaurants. I ordered a sandwich from McDonald's and upon opening the box, envision this: The bun is centered in the box. The all-beef (hopefully) patty is slid off to the right-hand side, partially propped up on the box and nearly 30% NOT on the bun. The slice of cheese has been gracefully applied to the back of the bun, nearly 25% hanging off of the bun. At this point it is evident that nearly no cheese is touching the burger. There is ketchup and mayo oozing out of the back and well onto the bun. There is a pile of onions in the corner of the box.

While this is a more extreme scenario than usual, more moderate examples seem to occur on a much too regular basis. I have worked at a McDonald's and as a short-order cook, and let me assure you, assembling a burger is not exactly rocket science. I really have to wonder if some of these burger engineers can color within the lines. Perhaps they are too rushed?? If so, I would gladly wait an extra 30 seconds to get a sandwich that I do not have to reassemble while driving down the freeway. At any rate....here's hoping that my next fast food excursion will be better.


  1. Jill said...

    2 other things that drive me nuts about fast food places:
    1. When the slip attached to the burger says NO CHEESE and there is cheese on it.
    2. NO STRAWS!!! How am I supposed to drink my soda. I could take the lid off, but then it may spill all over the car.

  2. Dawn said...

    Ah, so much excitement.

    Just wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy Birthday!

  3. sherri and Adam said...

    Hmmmmm Happy Birthday to you too I guess.....I'm assuming it's Mike's birthday?

  4. Mike said...

    Thank you both for the Birthday wishes. They say that I am 28...... Though I don't fee much different than 27, or even 25 for that matter. Maybe I'll just stay at 26 for this year. It looks similar to 28, but will save the world a little ink. =)