Day 1 in Maine

Posted by Mike

This week I am out in Freeport, Maine at our new facility. Things went better than expected yesterday and despite our 1:30 arrival at the office, we still managed to squeeze in a solid day's work. We even managed to get pictures of my coworker, Adam mopping the closet floor, and let me tell you, his skillset doesn't end at network infrastructure. That was one clean floor!

After work, we went out to eat at The Muddy Rudder, a local seafood restaurant. I had a delicious sampler that consisted of breaded/broiled haddock, shrimp, scallops, and lobster drizzled with butter and white wine. It was a true testament to the freshness and quality of seafood in Maine. After dinner we hopped over to Gritty McDuff's, which is the local brew-pub. They have a great stout! All I have to say is that Maine is a Beautiful state. It reminds me a lot of our very own Upper Peninsula.

As always, it's nice to travel but I miss my girls back home. At least I was able to see them on the webcam this morning. Time to see what's in store for day 2...


  1. Anonymous said...

    Glad you are having a good trip so far. We miss you too (see my blog) Have a great time out there and we will see you on Thursday! Miss ya!

  2. sherri and Adam said...

    Hey I just looked thru the pictures in the photo album on your site. Very cute!! I think someone was sitting on daddy's belly filling her pants in the last few pictures, LOL I know that look, seen it before....brings back memories.

  3. Mike said...

    Yep, good eye! Pictures that I plan to use for her embarassment (and our entertainment) later on. Perhaps to show to a boyfriend down the road?? That is......when she is allowed to date after she turns 20. =)