Back to Maine...

Posted by Mike

First I must apologize for not posting very often. Things have been pretty hectic this past month, especially with work. However, for the most part the end is now in sight. As I sit here enjoying a nice waffle at the hotel (which are great, by the way), I realize that all the hard work by or team will finally be put to the test this weekend. This evening we will begin the physical relocation of the equipment, with the go-live taking place Monday morning. Things have gone pretty well thus far and hopefully that will carry through to Monday. In any case, I hope to at least be able to enjoy some more great seafood while I'm here.

I miss you Jill and Lindsay!


  1. Anonymous said...

    We both miss you too! It gets lonely when Lindsay goes to bed. Gizmo and Haley don't provide very good conversation. Oh well. You will be home soon =) Only one more night without you!!!