Just One of Those Days...

Posted by Mike

Well.....where to begin?

It was quite an interesting morning to say the least. Last night, Lindsay started to come down with a little cold and spent much of the night sneezing, sniffling, and coughing. I felt so bad for her, as she sounded miserable and there wasn't much I could do to help. Despite that, she seemed to sleep rather well; that makes one of us. Around 5:00 AM we lost power, and after further investigation, it appeared that most of Richville was in the same predicament. We soon realized that this also meant that our daycare was without power. Then, another realization. Yesterday, with the steady rain on top of the snow, our sump pump had been running pretty regularly to keep our basement nice and dry. No power meant no pump. No pump meant trouble. I called DTE to report our outage and got the standard 4-hour estimate, meaning that I could possibly expect to have power for dinner. After making arrangements to get a generator and making arrangements for Lindsay (thought it might be a bit difficult to hook up a generator while trying to watch her), I began to mentally plan out my day. Then as Murphy's Law would have it, just as Jill was leaving for work, the power came back on (7:00 AM). Unbelievable! So, a couple calls later (cancelled the generator plan), I was scrambling to get Lindsay ready for daycare. Things appeared to be turing around. We had Lindsay ready in time for Jill to drop her off and I would be able to get to work only about an hour late. Just after I began getting ready for work, Jill had returned with Lindsay. Daycare would remain closed all day. Come to find out, the day care had left a message on Jill's phone, which she had left at her aunt's on Saturday. Oops! To put icing on the cake, with the power flickering on/off about 7 times in 15 seconds, my wireless router decided it would be better off dead. Just peachy.... I hate troubleshooting on my days off. =)

All-in-all, it did end up being a very nice daddy-daughter day. We met mom and the Asplund Grandparents for lunch, watched a movie and took a nice nap. So, the old addage that every cloud has a silver lining did manage to hold true today and it goes to show that even the most frustrating days do not have to remain that way.

Behold.....the power of a cute little smile!


  1. sherri and Adam said...

    Yeah it was a wonderful morning in Richville...trying to open the store with no power....UGH that store is scary in the dark....we did hear that the day care was closed, and phone calls had been made, I was wondering about you guys and if she went there on Mondays...I hate working Mondays...this one was at least better then my last Monday at work...LOL

    Our power out here in the country flickered about 10 times but then stayed on...so I was shocked when I got to Richville and it was pitch black at 5:30am....I went back home to cuddle on the couch...LOL